Thursday, April 21, 2022

3. My favourite piece of technology

Hello everyone, I hope you are well. Today I will talk about my favorite piece of technology. As we are all aware, we have an immense variety of technology, among them are desktop computers, headphones, tablets, laptops, smartphones and smartwatches, to name a few examples, which we use daily in our lives and their use has intensified with the COVID-19 pandemic 3 years ago (how time flies, right?).

Honestly, it is very difficult for me to choose my favorite piece of technology, since there are many of them that I currently use on a daily basis, however, since I have to choose one, it would definitely be the smartphone because it corresponds to a fundamental object in my day to day life. In fact, now that I think about it, I don't know what I would do without my cell phone.

Its functions are quite varied thanks to the advances that technology has had, for example I generally use it to communicate with my family, friends, and even to perform tasks when I was in school and now in college. In fact, it is through my cell phone that I am up to date with what I have to do for the university, due to an application specially designed for it, which is called u-cursos, which helps me a lot to organize my time. On the other hand, I also use it to listen to music together with my wireless headphones during long trips, for example from my house to the university or also when I go on a trip to the beach. Following this same line, I also use my smartphone to take photos of a beautiful sunset for example and for another thing that I use it s lot is for social networks, especially instagram.

The truth is that I would not know if I am addicted to using the cell phone, however, since this custom is so embedded in our society, I guess I am used to using it. Maybe one day I should challenge myself, to check whether or not I can do without it, it would be quite interesting indeed. If you ask me if I recommend its use, then my answer would be yes, especially to keep in touch with your family and friends in emergencies. However, I do not recommend its excessive use, since there are many moments and experiences that we miss by looking at the screen.

Take care of yourselves and we are communicating in a future blog.

Imagen 5 de 6 de  iPhone 4s 64 GB negro

I leave a photo of the first smartphone I had, an iPhone 4.


  1. I also had an iPhone 4! At that time, i used to think that it was so cool

  2. the smartphone is also my favorite device! I think that during these years of pandemic I have seen more screens than people hahaha

  3. I think we all have a bit of a smart phone addiction hahaha

  4. I also use my cell phone a lot to listen to music with earphones, being able to listen to music on the cell phone is the best!

  5. u-cursos is my daily organization! sometimes my notifications are turned off and I fall too far behind in my academic classes! it's terrible!


5. Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone!!, I hope you are well and that this end of the semester is not being so difficult for each of you. As you can see in the tit...