Friday, October 14, 2022

4. Time travel to the future

Hi everyone!, hoping you are well, today I come to comment on a very interesting topic, which we have all thought about more than once, which is traveling to the past or future.

In my case I chose to travel to the future, because trips to the past are very problematic, that is, they generate paradoxes and can make effects happen before causes. If this could be done, the least of our problems would be humans wanting to kill people who did a lot of harm throughout human history. The real problem would be the elementary particles, which would be constantly moving back and forth in time. Therefore, reality would be a chaos of microscopic interactions in which it would be impossible to distinguish causes and effects, and the result would be an unpredictable and disordered universe.In short, trips to the past are a bad idea. Instead, trips to the future could be made eventually.

I would like to travel 200 or 300 years into the future, more than anything to see what level of technological advance we have had. Regarding the place, I doubt that I would choose a specific place, so I would stay in Chile I guess, since I would know about the advances in the world through the media anyway or I could travel to different countries to live that experience.

Where and how will we live in the future? It is evident that urbanization is the trend today. More than half of the world's population already lives in cities, and in the coming years this figure will increase. This means that in the future more and more people will live in increasingly restricted spaces. Not only does this have an impact on the future design of housing in cities, but also the tendency towards individualism of city dwellers will play an important role.

It is said that the living space will get smaller and smaller, while there will be more spaces or places to share or use for different functions. This promotes the growing trend towards a communal and sharing culture. As a consequence, the cities of the future will be characterized by skyscrapers and neighborhoods that will combine both private and shared spaces.

On the other hand, urban agriculture will become important in the future, as it will make it possible to produce food wherever people will live in the future. Whether in greenhouses on the roofs of skyscrapers, in old warehouses, industrial halls or in specially built vertical farms, the agriculture of the future no longer only takes place on the surface, but also in the air and can also do without the earth and sunlight.

In addition, it is very likely that the meat that is consumed does not come from live animals due to its possible scarcity and preservation, and therefore comes from a laboratory. Even today some companies like Beyond Meat are experimenting with test tube steaks.

Smart toilets, mirrors, and toothbrushes will monitor our health and give us recommendations on how to balance the nutrients we lack in our diet. In this way and according to our smart home connected to the network, after finding a specific deficiency, our toilet can communicate with our refrigerator or kitchen appliance choosing the right food for us and thus compensate for the deficiency.

Our home will be full of high technology, as well as our workplace will also be connected to the network and will be intelligent.

How will we work in the future? Office design will become more flexible and individual, and there will also be a work environment for each job. With the help of advanced technology, offices will be connected to the network and also smart, from smart windows that regulate heat and light, to finding and personalizing a desk with the help of interactive screens through smartphone applications, and even organize virtual meetings with simultaneous translations in each language.

The truth is that it is possible to cover many aspects of what the future could be like, therefore I could be writing infinite possibilities.

If they ask me to stay in the future to which I travel, I would say no, since I would not be able to adapt to such a technological lifestyle, however, it is possible that I will learn from them relatively quickly. Also, I couldn't leave my present behind, because of the people around me who I love very much and I don't think I can leave behind.

Cómo será 2027? Esto es sólo parte de lo que te espera dentro de 10 años |  GQ España


  1. It would be crazy to travel 300 years into the future! very interesting your blog Zarkito

  2. Very interesting vision you have of the future and the great advances that will be achieved.

  3. Hiiii, it's amazing in the future world you think!!!

  4. Hii friend, everything is very interesting, the future looks exciting!✨✨

  5. This is a wonderful post--maybe some of the things you say will happen sooner than 200 years.

  6. Hellooooo! incredible blog, it seems like a dream to go to the future


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