Saturday, April 9, 2022

1. Who am I?

Hi everybody, my name is Zarko, I'm from Chile, specifically in Santiago, where I have lived all my life. I come from a family that is not very large, since I only live with my mother and father, who I love deeply, since they always been there for me in what I have needed, in addition to unconditionally supporting me in  the most difficult situations, I really do not know what I would do without them. In fact, whenever people find out that I am an only child, they asked me if I would have liked to have had siblings, and I think that if I would have liked to live that experience despite the difficulties that they tell me what it means.

When I was a little kid I began to go to kindergarten, where fortunately my mother also worked. I remember that I entertained myself too much doing manual work and tasks to the point of finishing all the tasks assigned for that day and I always asked to do more so as not to get bored, therefore, since I was a child, I was very hard-working and applied in everything I did. I have very fond memories of that time in my life.

When I finished my secondary studies on 2019, at the Pedro de Valdivia school, I made the decision to study at the bachillerato program at the University of Chile to try and apply to medicine, which since I can remember was the career I wanted to study since I was little. This program consisted of two years, where in the first each one had to obtain the best possible average to obtain the quota of the career they wanted to study, where in the case of medicine it was very stressful since there were only thirty quotas. Despite all my efforts, I was not able to apply for the medicine quota, but I was given the opportunity to apply to dentistry, a decision that I was not entirely sure of, but I gave myself the opportunity to do so. Currently, I am already graduated from the bachillerato program and officially transferred to the dentistry career, a decision which I am glad I made, since I like the career a lot. 

When I am not studying, I like to listen to music, watch movies or series with my family, go out with friends or just be with my puppy called Rex, a Maltese Bichon which has accompanied me for 10 years and whom I love with all my heart. I will put some pictures below.

A picture of me and my parents when I graduated of high school back in 2019.

A picture of the Popeye soap carving process of a lower premolar tooth, which was one of my favorite hands-on steps.

A picture of Rex posing in front of the camera.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. What a cute little puppy he looks very cute in the picture, he must be a very good life partner.

  4. Rex is a very beautiful dog, a real magazine model!!!

  5. I remembered when we made that "teeth in soap", it was too funny!

  6. You have a beautiful tooth in soap and how precious Rex is!

  7. I also wanted to study medicine, so I unterstand you completely


5. Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone!!, I hope you are well and that this end of the semester is not being so difficult for each of you. As you can see in the tit...